About Ad Astra:

★ Ad Astra was conceived following the positive response from LaGuardia college community to the Scientific Kaleidoscope initiative, where faculty from different disciplines tackled all sort of topics, from physics of light and color to climate change, using different approaches, from hands-on demonstrations, to panel discussions and debates.

★ Ad Astra will extend its reach further, to all members of LaGuardia, and showcase the ongoing and latest research initiatives, scientific and academic accomplishments of students, faculty, and staff at LaGuardia. Our purpose is to divulge, communicate and present profiles of the individuals and groups behind various scientific endeavours.

★ Ad Astra presents snippets of new scientific findings, puzzles to challenge your brain and useful information about usual and unusual career paths and possibilities following graduation. We will encourage everyone to use their imagination and observational skills with special challenges in every newsletter.